Another Pound Off And I have Had Chocolate This Week On The Slimming World Diet

So I am now seven weeks in with the weight loss dream and have had a total weight loss of 12 pounds. Which by my calculations works out at 1.71 pounds a week or 0.77 kilos a week. Not earth shattering weight loss but enough to keep me happy. Plus they do say when you lose it slowly it stays off.

Back at the beginning of the year when I was depressed because my weight wasn’t coming off (obviously I know why now) my beautician pointed out that 1 pound a week still adds up and over a year that is 52 pounds. So if I carry on with my 1.71 pounds average a week that means in 48 days when its Christmas day and I am camera happy I will have lost another 11.72 pounds and will weigh in at 14st9.5 which will be ½ a pound below my planned Christmas target and I will have reached my Club 10 Slimming World target.

"lose weight"As you can see I always have a calculator in my hand!

But going back on the theory if you do have a lot of weight to lose then 52 pounds would be an easy target to achieve and think a year from now I would be 11st11 and in a size 14 (well a girl can dream cant she?).

So over the past week I have had lots of chocolate as my mum decided to fill our house with it even though I had a no chocolate in the house rule. Plus the chocolate she bought for my son he doesn’t like. So I have had about 4 bars of 2 finger mint kitkats this week.

It doesn’t even bear thinking about does it?

So I am plodding along and determined to have a really good week this week and you never know come next week I might have actually lost more than a pound. I would really like to get more into the Wii Fit and I will keep you posted next week.
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